Timepiece of Vision

This time piece is similar to a palm-sized pocket watch with a very ornate cover. It carries an aura of timelessness and always remains some-what cool to the touch. When opened, the top knob may be used to select a specific time, date, and year. The user must wind the watch and engage the command to activate the watch.

The watch allows the user to view but not interact with,  the events of the exact date and time from the past. Visions are centered from the exact spot the user is standing when the watch is engaged. The events are shown on the lid of the pocket watch.

The watch can only be set to dates in the past as the future is yet to be determined and may only be so used once per day.

GM Notes:

This is a great item for story exposition, but can also be an interesting tool for parties to discover which way an enemy went, if they know when they passed. It can reveal all sorts of hidden secrets and activities in your world and dungeons that allows players to feel like they are in control of their fate instead of just trying to focus on a long GM background story.

It’s also an intricate device, and if you that the party has a a way to “cheat” or circumvent your quest, it can break or malfunction at any time. 😉

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